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how to lose weight with math

1st Grab a piece of paper and write down:

Age in Years            ________

Height in Inches      ________

Weight in Lbs.         ________

2nd Figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
This is the minimum number of calories needed per day in order to support basic body functions.

1)                   Multiply weight in pounds by 6.23 (4.35 for Women) and add 66 (655 for Women) _______
2)                   Take height in inches and multiply it by 12.7 (4.7 for Women) _______
3)                   Take age in years and multiply it by 6.8 (4.7 for Women) _______
4)                   Then add 1, 2 & 3 together and you get your BMR = __________

3rd Choose your personal activity level

Sedentary                                1.2                           (littleor no exercise)
Lightly Active                         1.375                       (lightexercise/sports 1-3 days/week)
Moderately Active                  1.55                         (moderateexercise/sports 3-5 days/week)
Very Active                             1.725                       (hardexercise/sports 6-7 days a week)
Extremely Active                     1.9                           (veryhard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training)

4th Take your BMR from above and multiply it by the activity level you feel is most accurate for you.
                Your Daily Calorie Needs=  ____________

5th You have to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, every day, for the rest of your life.

Sorry but there is no getting around this. You must move your body every day if you ever want to lose weight. The great part though is that exercise can be anything you want it to be; you just have to be able to do it for 30 minutes (without stopping) every day – that’s it!

I don’t care if you walk, bike, jog or run. As long as you are constantly (without taking a break) moving your body for at least 30 minutes every day and follow the rest of my simple advice, you will lose weight. Don’t worry, eventually you will fall in love with exercise and you won’t be able to imagine going a day without it.

6th You must keep (at least) a two week long food and exercise journal.

To make this extremely easy for you, I am going to recommend using a web based food and exercise journal like the kind found at They even have a nifty smart-phone application to make it even easier!

I cannot stress enough how beneficial and important this step is. Once you understand the correlation between how many calories you are putting into your body and how many calories you are eliminating through daily exercise, you will begin to understand that losing weight is as simple as basic math!

6th Understand the basics behind what calories really are.

The total calories you put into your body are made up of three basic macro nutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. There are many books that delve further into the complex science behind them all, but I am going to try and keep this simple. If you are interested in learning more I would recommend reading the book “How Not to Get Fat” by Ian Marber - it will turn you into an expert.

So getting back to macro nutrients –

·         1 gram of a Carbohydrate or 1 gram of Protein is made up of approximately 4 calories.
o         Carbohydrates break down fast in the body and are used to supply your body with quick energy/fuel.
o         Protein is broken down more slowly than carbohydrates in the body and helps to rebuild damaged muscle tissue.
·         1 gram of Fat is made up of approximately 9 calories.
o         Fat is broken down very slowly in the body and is primarily used as a form of energy storage.

Now that you understand the basics behind what calories are it’s time to learn about how many grams of each you should be putting in your body every day.

·         55% of your daily calories should come from Carbohydrates.
·         30% of your daily calories should come from Proteins.
·         15% of your daily calories should come from Fats.

If you use the food journal that I suggested earlier, it will automatically calculate how many grams of each macro nutrient you are consuming each day. Then, at the end of the day you can figure out on your own how your diet compares to the ratios above. If you are too high or too low in a certain category, all you have to do is look at what you were eating that threw it off and adjust your diet accordingly in order to balance it out the next day.

Isn’t being in control of your health fun?!

7th Suggestions from someone who has lost 120 pounds (ME)

1)                   Armed with the knowledge I have just bestowed upon you, if you want to lose weight you simply have to cut out 250-500 calories every day from your daily calorie needs (your diet). You also need to burn off between 250-500 calories every day through exercise. Even if you stick to cutting 250 and burning 250, you will lose 1 pound a week every week until you reach your ideal body weight. Pretty simple huh?
2)                   Two of the most important keys to being successful in this is to accurately and honestly keep track of the number and type of calories you are putting inside your body. If you aren’t going to be honest and take this seriously then what is the point?
3)                   Give up soda - yes, even diet soda. It causes an imbalance in your system and has adverse effects on your thyroid. Your thyroid is responsible for regulating your metabolism. Soda, even diet, therefore slows down your metabolism. Trust me; it’s all bad news so just stay away from it.
4)                   If you choose to drink alcohol, do not do so while eating. Your body recognizes alcohol as a poison in your system. It therefore puts digesting anything else on hold and focuses all your energy entirely on eliminating that poison from your system. So any food you eat while drinking alcohol will likely to turn straight into fat. So stay disciplined and wait at least two hours after a meal before drinking alcohol. And as always, drink responsibly!
5)                   Remember it is important to eat within 30 minutes following exercise of any kind. Focus especially on consuming enough protein to help your body repair damaged muscle tissue and complex carbohydrates to replenish your depleted glycogen stores. If you don't know what complex carbohydrates are - Google it!
6)                   Find a way to incorporate more exercise into your everyday routine. For example, biking or walking to work is a great way to shed extra calories without even thinking about it. By adding these kinds of activities to your already stellar exercise regimen I promise you will definitely begin to notice the pounds melting away!

So that’s it! That’s pretty much all it took for me to go from 330 lbs to 210lbs in less than 2 years. 
Good luck, I believe in you!


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